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Canihunt Hundegeschirr Signal
Canihunt Hundegeschirr Signal
Durch die helle Signalfarbe Orange des Canihunt Geschirrs Signal hebt sich der Hund leicht von der Umgebung ab. So ist er für den Besitzer oder Dritten, wie Jäger oder Autofahrer, leicht zu sehen. Rund um das Geschirr sind zusätzlich...
56,90 € *
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Canihunt Anti-Aggressions-Geschirr Spikes
Canihunt Anti-Aggressions-Geschirr Spikes
Das Geschirr Spikes wurde entwickelt, um dem Schützbedürfnis unserer Jagdhunde in Zeiten zunehmender Wolfsattacken gerecht zu werden. Das Geschirr ist mit Metallstiften versehen. Diese schrecken im Falle eines Bisses gegen den Hund...
94,90 € *
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Why a dog harness makes sense
With a dog harness, you show that you are a responsible dog owner. This way you always have your four-legged friend firmly in your grasp at every opportunity. This is particularly important in many hunting situations. For the dog, a dog harness is much more comfortable to wear than a collar with a leash. When worn on the neck, leashes put strain on the neck and throat area. A dog harness, on the other hand, shifts the pull point of the leash to the chest. This is not only more comfortable for the dog, but also protects against injuries. It is important that you always choose the right fit so that the four-legged friend's freedom of movement is as great as possible.

Dog harnesses - suitable for every dog

The sizes of dog harnesses are designed to fit several breeds at the same time. Whether size M, L or XL, for dogs, especially for hunting dogs, you will certainly find the right dog harness here at Jagerblut. The harnesses are designed to perfectly fit the anatomy of the animal. The materials are robust and resistant, and the dog harness can be put on in a few easy steps. There is a large handle for holding the dog comfortably. The dog harness is also waterproof and does not absorb any liquids, so it is light as a feather at all times and does not disturb the animal when walking or hunting.

Dog harnesses - ideal helpers for hunting
Of course, a dog must be perfectly attuned to humans and must obey commands. But especially when hunting, the temperament of the animal can quickly get the better of it. In this case, a dog harness can be of great help. It allows the dog to be restrained quickly and safely without harming the animal. Find numerous types of dog harnesses at Jagerblut and opt for high-quality hunting products. If you have any questions, please contact us so that we can help you quickly and easily.

Why a dog harness makes sense With a dog harness, you show that you are a responsible dog owner. This way you always have your four-legged friend firmly in your grasp at every opportunity. This... mehr erfahren »
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Why a dog harness makes sense
With a dog harness, you show that you are a responsible dog owner. This way you always have your four-legged friend firmly in your grasp at every opportunity. This is particularly important in many hunting situations. For the dog, a dog harness is much more comfortable to wear than a collar with a leash. When worn on the neck, leashes put strain on the neck and throat area. A dog harness, on the other hand, shifts the pull point of the leash to the chest. This is not only more comfortable for the dog, but also protects against injuries. It is important that you always choose the right fit so that the four-legged friend's freedom of movement is as great as possible.

Dog harnesses - suitable for every dog

The sizes of dog harnesses are designed to fit several breeds at the same time. Whether size M, L or XL, for dogs, especially for hunting dogs, you will certainly find the right dog harness here at Jagerblut. The harnesses are designed to perfectly fit the anatomy of the animal. The materials are robust and resistant, and the dog harness can be put on in a few easy steps. There is a large handle for holding the dog comfortably. The dog harness is also waterproof and does not absorb any liquids, so it is light as a feather at all times and does not disturb the animal when walking or hunting.

Dog harnesses - ideal helpers for hunting
Of course, a dog must be perfectly attuned to humans and must obey commands. But especially when hunting, the temperament of the animal can quickly get the better of it. In this case, a dog harness can be of great help. It allows the dog to be restrained quickly and safely without harming the animal. Find numerous types of dog harnesses at Jagerblut and opt for high-quality hunting products. If you have any questions, please contact us so that we can help you quickly and easily.

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